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This site is not affiliated with and does not represent Chevron or as­soc­i­a­ted parties such as R. Hewitt Pate, Tearle Harlan, or “Pat Lyons”. This is instead a public in­ter­est nominative use site. The site is re­la­ted to a non-commercial Creative Commons book in progress.

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This page will be expanded into a set of pages that notes and/or discusses the roles that attorneys and peo­ple who have been as­soc­i­a­ted with Chevron play in the story.

Biographical in­for­ma­tion, if such is in­clud­ed, is in­clud­ed for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able public in­ter­est purposes con­nec­ted to (a) the book alluded to above, (b) potential or actual lit­i­ga­tion, or (c) other areas of in­ter­est.

This page may very well include a How-To Guide for ordinary peo­ple who need to do research re­la­ted to lit­i­ga­tion or in the public in­ter­est.

We'll start with an outline of the pro­cess involved in preparing to get a demand let­ter to one attorney, R. Hewitt Pate of Chevron.

* R. Hewitt Pate. Attorney. Believed to play a role, direct or indirect, in the Fall 2024 whistleblower re­tal­i­a­tion story.

Mr. Pate may be served with a demand let­ter or other documents in the medium term.

To that end as well as well as for other le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes, location has been partly determined and in­for­ma­tion from the general public whose interests are in­volved is sought.

Mr. Pate's full name is Robert Hewitt Pate III. His father and his father's father were Robert Hewitt Pate as well. The posi­tive and interesting story of the family's evolution in Virginia starting in 1913 will be summarized in due course.

Mr. Pate used aliases in the past. He scrubbed most in­for­ma­tion re­la­ted to himself from the Web, but missed the aliases. He missed the public com­ment PDF at the fol­low­ing link as well:

click here to see public comment PDF

The PDF led to a 2011 to 2022 [or 2009 to 2022] Lafayette, CA street address which ended in August 2022. Note: This writer actu­al­ly grew up close by though not in the same city.

It's be­lieved that Mr. Pate re­ceived a directive at or be­fore that time to relocate to Houston.

The public com­ment letter led as well to a public business address. But initial lookups of the address produced the following:

As a tip re­la­ted to an autistic trick, if you see some­thing like that, the in­for­ma­tion that was removed is probably what you're looking for. So, in this case, focus on the business was called for. This turned up the following:

The preceding business, in Virginia where the Pates hailed from, was long ago. The domains that you see list­ed are expired or transferred.

Note: If you Google for RB Falcon, you'll probably find the wrong business. Mr. Pate failed to choose a business name that was like­ly to be unique.

Transposing two words in the name “R. Hewitt Pate” to produce the name “Pate Hew” shown here wasn't con­du­cive to secrecy.

I commented to Mr. Pate in the first draft of a let­ter that it was about as secure as the secret decoder rings that were popular 60 years ago. But I think that I took that part out.

From RB Falcon, though, it was a hop, skip, and jump to the fol­low­ing business in Houston, TX:

Lindsey Haines Pate, this Robert's wife, may have opened a mailbox at this UPS shortly after the couple departed Lafayette, CA.

This is entirely uncon­firm­ed. However, this clue plus the like­ly relocation of the couple to Houston, TX to be at Chevron HQ suggests that the Pates are in Houston. This is suf­fi­cient prep for other researchers to take over.

* Pat Lyons. Identity and even gender are uncon­firm­ed. To be dis­cus­sed.

* Robert Kiraly. Disabled senior citizen. Autistic. Software and data architect for 46 years. To be dis­cus­sed.

* Robert Eassa of Duane-Morris. Attorney. To be dis­cus­sed.

* Tearle Harlan of Houston, TX. To be dis­cus­sed.

* Others. To be dis­cus­sed.

This entire site as it pre­sent­ly stands was created in only about two hours. It's a placeholder. Therefore, please be patient in the months to come as things come together.

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